Programs & Services
The intent of the adapted physical education program is to provide physical education instruction to those students who cannot safely and/or successfully participate in the traditional mainstreamed physical education environment. Regular physical education is a direct service mandated by law that must be provided for all students with a disability. As a result, any student in a school served by the cooperative is eligible to receive adapted physical education instruction or consultation. Students are referred for services from a variety of sources including: physical education instructors, classroom teachers, administrators, VASE personnel, nurses and physicians. Each student's physician has input into the development of the child's physical education program.
The program goals of the adapted physical education program emphasize the teaching of lifetime sports skills, and the improvement of each student's overall level of physical fitness. After a complete assessment of the student's motor skills is completed, he/she begins working in an individualized program designed to remediate motor deficiencies. Equipment and activities are modified to assist this student in meeting specific IEP goals. Existing abilities are used in a positive atmosphere to encourage the development of new lifetime skills and help the student lead a more healthful enjoyable life.
The audiologist and itinerant teachers of the deaf and hard-of-hearing make up the Education and Audiological Review (EAR) team which coordinates services for the hearing-impaired students in the classroom. This may include providing classroom amplification systems, troubleshooting and monitoring students' amplification systems, teacher in-services, participating in staffings and consulting with other school personnel.
The DHH teacher also assists the classroom teacher in creating personal educational modification, amplifications questions, and in-service topics.
The philosophy of the DHH program is Total Communication. This means the child has the right to use and receive all forms of communication tools available to develop gestures, vocal speech, formal signs, fingerspelling, speechwriting, writing, and the use of amplification to develop any residual hearing.
Educational services are determined through the following criteria:
- Documented hearing loss
- Below average language standard scores
- Below average listening standard scores
- Consensus of the multidisciplinary team members
- Below average vocabulary standard scores
Motto: Every Child Succeeds Educationally
Mission Statement:
Early Childhood Special Education is an environment where children are learning and growing to reach their fullest potential at their own rate.
- To work with each child at their level and help them enhance academic readiness skills in all developmental areas - speech/language, fine and gross motor, self-help, social/behavioral, and cognition.
- To provide communication opportunities between the home and school to reinforce student's progress and for purposes of parent education. Parental involvement is supported and encouraged in the classroom and when planning for the child.
- To provide a secure, caring, consistent, and quality classroom experience. This classroom experience will provide hands-on opportunities, through which children will realize their own unique talents and potential.
- To give the school staff, the community, and the parents and understanding of the child's program.

Occupational Therapy services assist in promoting independence in daily living skills, increasing function through the use of adaptive/assistive devices, facilitating muscle strength, motor coordination and range of motion, improving sensory-motor performance and improving fine motor/visual perceptual skills. Therapy goals that evolve from the evaluation process are observable, measurable, and educationally relevant.
School psychological services are designed and implemented to support and advance the educational needs of all students within Vermilion County so each student can realize their fullest potential in life. School psychologists tailor their services to the particular needs of each student and situation. Roles and services vary based on the current needs of each school. While many approaches may be used for the delivery of services, most core services involve: problem-solving, assessment, consultation, prevention, and intervention.
The functions of the school psychologist include:
- Assessment: Cognitive, Academic, Emotional-Behavioral
- Observation: Classroom, Small Group, Individual
- Interview: Students, Teachers, Parents
- Teacher Consultation: Problem-solving, Interventions, Teaching strategies, Student development
- Parent Consultation: Help understand student’s development and educational system
- Evaluation Process: Review of records, Assist with paperwork completion, Help determine eligibility, programming, and writing goals
- Response to Intervention (RtI): Analyze universal screening and progress monitoring data, Assist with intervention implementation, modeling, and integrity, Consultation
- Counseling: Group, Individual
- Collaboration: With community agencies and medical professionals
- In-service Training: Teachers, Parents
School social work services are part of an interdisciplinary approach to understanding and providing help for children who are having difficulties in school.
Children in need of social work services are those who show any prolonged or significant deviation from the normal age expectations of behavior, performance, or attitude. Students served may exhibit some of the following behaviors:
- Disrupts the classroom
- Poor peer relationships or lack of social skills
- School phobia
- Abused or neglected
- Poor self-concept
- Truancy relevant to school or home problems
- Home problems; problems getting along with parents
- Difficulty following the rules in school
- Immaturity
- Aggressive, temper tantrums
- Stealing, lying, dishonesty
There are many functions a school's social worker may perform. The following list indicates functions social workers may engage in to best achieve the objectives of the educational system.
- Assist in the identification, evaluation, and placement of special education students
- Direct casework or group work with children and/or their families
- Interpret the service to school, parents, and community
- Serve as a liaison between the school and community agencies, including referral to appropriate social agencies
- Make appropriate home intervention and encourage parental involvement
Children are referred to the school social worker by school personnel. Parents interested in having their children receive school social work services may contact their school principal.
Involved parents/guardians are appreciated, so please contact the VASE office or your local school district with any questions regarding available speech-language services or screenings in your area.
Services which may be provided by the Visually Impaired Program include:
- Direct instruction to the child in areas not available in the regular classroom such as Braille, daily living skills, efficient use of vision and low vision aids, typing, orientation and mobility.
- Interpretation of the child's eye condition and how it affects the child in the school and home.
- Provision of ideas and direct help to aid the classroom teacher in successfully integrating the child into the regular classroom.
- Provision of information and resources whenever necessary in the school and community.
The visually impaired program is itinerant. In this program, the child remains in the classroom where he would be enrolled in his home school if he were not visually impaired. He participates in regular classroom activities and receives services from the teacher of the visually impaired on a direct or consultant basis. A vision coordinator assists with supervision and consultation.
School-to-Work Transition Guide
The Secondary Transitional Experience Program (STEP) is designed to provide supervised work experience for high school students with disabilities. Emphasis is placed on developing appropriate work-related habits and attitudes and on acquiring marketable work skills. STEP provides an opportunity for students to experience guided on-the-job training.
To participate in this school-to-work program, a student must be sixteen years of age (generally, a junior or senior in high school) and identified as having a disabling condition that would create a barrier toward employment. One and a half or more hours of each student's school day may be spent at an established work-site training station. The training station may be located at businesses in the community or on training sites within the school district. Supervision of the student's work experience is provided by the coordination effort of a vocational coordinator with the student's employer, teachers, and parents.
Students receive work related instruction in order to enhance their job training experience. Students participating in the STEP program earn school credit(s) toward graduation. Students learn to mangage money earned through work either through a STEP stipend grant or by being employer paid. The ultimate goal of the STEP program is to prepare the student for "the world of work" while working toward a diploma.